Allow Great Teacher Meow to answer this question with infallible kitteh wisdom.
Rumor has it that Founding Father Alexander Hamilton was a bit of a tomcat when it came to the ladies, and, George Washington’s wife, Martha, seemed to agree.
In fact, because of his reputation as a scoundrel and womanizer, Martha Washington apparently named one of their feral tomcats,“Hamilton.”
Hamilton, the “Tomcat” Featured in Hamilton the Musical:
This historical rumor, and Hamilton as a “tomcat” is famously mentioned in the Broadway show Hamilton, and explained in this tweet by creator Lin Manuel Miranda:
@drewsclues825 Martha Washington once named a feral tomcat after him, because both he n the cat went prowling for ladies on the reg.
— Lin-Manuel Miranda (@Lin_Manuel) August 4, 2013
If you are a fan of the Hamilton Soundtrack, you’ll know that Lin Manuel Miranda mentions this fact in the song, “A Winter’s Ball“:
Aaron Burr
“(Ladies) They delighted and distracted him,
Martha Washington named her feral tomcat after him!”
“That’s true!”
They also refer to Alexander Hamilton as, “The Tomcat“ in the song, “The Story of Tonight”:
“I’ve seen wonders great and small,
‘Cause if the tomcat can get married,
There’s hope for our ass, after all!”
Captain Smythe Journal Entry Mentions Cat “Hamilton”
A journal from a British Captain Smythe from the time of the Revolutionary War survives, and one of the entries states:
“Mrs. Washington has a mottled tom-cat, (which she calls, in a complimentary way, ‘Hamilton,’) with thirteen yellow rings around his tail, and that his flaunting it suggested to the Congress the adoption of the same number of stripes for the rebel flag”
While the journal entry appears to be sarcastic, Smythe may have been referencing Hamilton’s actual reputation as a Tomcat and he may have heard the rumor that Martha’s cat was nicknamed Hamilton.
Curiosity killed The Tomcat’s political career
“When the sword is once drawn, the passions of men observe no bounds of moderation.” – Alexander Hamilton
(Ummm… double entendre?) Anyway, it was apparently Hamilton’s curiosity with the ladies (and not observing the “bounds of moderation”) that killed his political career, specifically when he admitted to a lengthy affair with a married woman in the 95-page “Reynold’s Pamphlet“ of 1797.
In fact, John Adams wife, Abigail, once wrote that Hamilton represented “lasciviousness itself.”
“A well-adjusted person is one who makes the same mistake twice without getting nervous” – Alexander Hamilton
Hmmm… Sounds like Hamilton’s reputation of being a tomcat is well-deserved.
Although Hamilton did seem to always land on his feet, the last of his nine lives ended in 1804 when he was mortally wounded in a famous duel with Aaron Burr.
So, Did Martha Washington name her cat after Alexander Hamilton?
Because there is no written records about the Washington’s cats, it would be hard to prove the rumor definitively either way.
However, the story seems to have credibility, and bones found around Mt. Vernon confirm that feral cats were present while the Washington’s lived there.
I mean, it made a lot of sense, as feral cats were great for pest control in the 18th Century.
Also, (like a stripper?) Alexander Hamilton had serious daddy issues and was probably hoping that women could provide him the love and attention that he never got from his parents.
So, belileve Chairman Meow, the rumor that Martha Washington named her cat after Alexander Hamilton is probably true.
As you can imagine, having a cat named after you is the highest of honors for any human, so Hamilton’s eponymous kitty at Mt. Vernon is surely his most significant legacy. (maybe?)
What is a “Feral Tomcat,” Anyway?
A “feral” cat is a free-roaming feline that lives in the wild and is untamed. A feral cat uses its hunting skills and wild ways to survive.
A tomcat is a male cat. It’s also defined as, “a man who pursues women (Mariah Reynolds, etc.) promiscuously for sexual gratification.” (Alexander Hamilton?)
Chairman Meow haz spoken!