In a bid to make pets more healthy, Chairman Meow has announced the creation of his tremenduos new, Rabies Freedom Koalition (RFK) which will give humans the choice of whether or not … more truth...

In a bid to make pets more healthy, Chairman Meow has announced the creation of his tremenduos new, Rabies Freedom Koalition (RFK) which will give humans the choice of whether or not … more truth... Chairman Meow signs executive order banning turtles and tortoises from stealing victories in rabbit sports. Great Leader Chairman Meow has signed a tremendous executive order prohibiting tortoises, turtles, and terrapins from competing … more truth... Is “crazy cat lady syndrome” a real thing? Yes, allow Chairman Meow to answer with his infallibe wisdom and educate you about a tiny parasite, called toxoplasma gondii, that creates crazy … more truth... Allow Great Teacher Meow to answer this question with infallible kitteh wisdom. Rumor has it that Founding Father Alexander Hamilton was a bit of a tomcat when it came to the ladies, … more truth... Director Francis Ford Coppola found a stray cat and it ended up starring in the movie with Brando Godfather Don Corleone. Comrades, if you have seen the movie, The Godfather, then you … more truth... Chairman Meow explains This Is Fine meme: The “This Is Fine“ meme of a cartoon dog with dilated pupils drinking coffee while his house is on fire has become one … more truth... Dear Leader Chairman Meow, what are LOLcats, and who created the first one? For those who live under a large rock, or only use their phone for “calling people,” Wise Teacher Chairman … more truth... Recently, Wise Teacher Meow is reminded of a time hundreds of years ago when institutional dogma and rampant conspiracy theories helped fuel the outbreak of The Black Plague across Europe, killing millions, … more truth...
Category Archives: chairman meow wisdom
No More Pet Vaccines! Says Rabies Freedom Koalition (RFK)
No Tortoises in Hare Sports! Chairman Meow Executive Order
Toxoplasmosis: Cat Poop Can Turn You Into a Crazy Cat Lady!
Did Martha Washington Name Her Cat After Alexander Hamilton?
Brando’s Cat in The Godfather: Real Power Behind the Throne?
This is Fine Meme: Dog Drinking Coffee In Burning House
The First LOLcat? Brief History of Lolcats from Chairman Meow
Cats Labeled as Satanic, Blamed for Black Plague in Europe